Character & Habits, 24 pages
- The Making of Character
- How Habits Are Formed
- Habits Keep You Up or Pull You Down
- Habits Become Second Nature
- The 5 "Watches" of Habit
- Addiction, 40 pages
- Information on Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drug Addiction
- How Alcohol Affects the Physical Body
- Health Risks of Cigarette Addiction
- Drug Addiction and the Affects of Drug Addiction
- Addiction Recovery
- Pornography Addiction
- How Porn Affects the Brain and Other Parts of the Body
- Gambling Addiction
Determination, 16 pages
- What Makes People Quit
- Crash Through Quitting
- Power of Stedfastness
Special Session on Pornography, 18 pages
- The Affects of Pornography on the Body and Mind
The Problem is Addiction, 40 pages
- This course is offered to help the client better understand the process of addiction and the development of an addictive personality.
- There are many types of addictions: food, over-work, among others.
- Addiction is a pathological relationship.
- Stages of Addiction
- The Addictive Cycle
- The Addictive Personality
- The Allusion of Control
- When Recovery Takes Place
Time: We Have Only So Much, 16 pages
- The Need to Realize the Importance of Time in Life
- Now is the Time to Move Forward
- The Gift of Time
- Redeeming the Time
Module 4 Character, Habits & Addictions
Module 4 addresses the problem of addiction and how character and habits can be formed to reinforce rising from and staying out of addiction. Determination must be reinforced and the realization that time is of the utmost importance to get free and accomplish life goals.