Module 1 consists of the following courses:
- Mentoring, 7 pages. The importance of Mentoring in our need oriented society.
- Desire, 8 pages. Desire to reach a goal or make a change is the first step.
- Power of Example, 12 pages. Our example and influence has lasting power and is important to consider in every aspect of our lives.
Module 1 of Life Catalyst Curriculum: Mentoring, Desire, Example
Mentoring is much needed in our society. The absence of home training and church training is devastating for the life skills of our youth and young adults. Mentoring is one way to set lives on a clear path for a stronger society.
Desire must be established in a client if change in life progress is going to happen. This course will encourage the client to ascertain their livel of desire and encourage them to see the need for a greater desire for progress.
Example and influence are powerful and necessary for the continuation of progress for the next generation. The client should come to realize their sphere of influence on those who follow them.