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The Masters level is a wonderful resource for self-help and great information to use in coaching/teaching/mentoring.  Following is a listing of the courses and a short explanation.

Time Management Corporate …..210 pages

This is a study of time and psychology of time management and how to achieve good time management within a corporation or business office.


Personal Time Management   156 pages

Personal time management has much to do with forming habits and replacing bad habits with good ones and apply these principles to everyday living.


Mentoring   163 pages

Mentoring is awakening a person to the possibilities in their lives and helping them to come over any obstacles standing in their way. Instructions on what to look for in a mentor are a part of this course.


Illustrating    162 pages

Use illustrating to relate to a client with a view to meeting their needs. Illustrations are used to establish the state (atmosphere) of the session and are a window of light in a session. Illustrations reinforce the information that you are giving.


Consulting   171 pages

This course is an explanation of life coaching as being consulting and the uses of the program for consulting.


 Desire and Attitude   186 pages

Success is dependent on the level of desire to achieve the goal. Everything is determined by the level of desire. Changing a lifestyle from a destructive one to constructive behavior boils down to the level of desire; actually having the “want to”. Attitude determines our approach to life and to making the changes and advances a client needs to make. These issues will be addressed repeatedly.


Self-Talk   168 pages

Self talk can reverse the end result of the negative thoughts concerning ourselves.  This is a powerful course for changing the direction of thought and actions….a real life changing course for you and for your clients. 


Process of Change    168 pages

How to use life coaching skills to bring about change is the thrust of this course. We address the issues of Possibility, Ability and Worthiness. In life coaching we do not judge whether goals are morally or ethically correct. We simply give a process to haelp a person achieve their goals


Communication   174 pages

Good communication is an absolute must for affecting change in lives. But communication involves more than just an exchange of words.  It is also an exchange of looks, of touch and of feelings. It takes work to develop good communication, especially for those who are non-communicative by nature. Good communication is essential in the coaching/mentoring/teaching process.



Life Catalyst Masters Level 9 Courses

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